Sunday, February 11, 2007

Website: Poetry & Black History Month

I feel that one of my jobs as a media specialist is to search out websites for the teachers at my school that will make their jobs easier. One of my suggestions to them this month was for a website from Target (or Tar-jay as my daughter calls it) called Dream in Color

Target has always been a big supporter of Black History Month in the schools (how many of you got the posters of famous African Americans they provided a few years ago?) and this year they teamed up with Dr. Maya Angelou for a program that includes lesson plans, an interview with Dr. Angelou and an interactive poetry writing game called Poetry Play. The thing I liked about the lesson plans is that it takes something that teachers need to teach (poetry) and used African American Poets (such as Langston Hughes and Dr. Angelou) to facilitate the lessons. They have a PDF book of lesson plans to download for grades K-12 and also a glossary and a recommended reading list to go along with the lesson plans. Even if you are not getting to a poetry lesson until later this year, the website is worth checking out and using the lessons at a later date.

Who knew Target was good for something other than spending half my paycheck at their store!

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