Sunday, August 19, 2007

Media Center orientation

In a school as big as mine (approx. 1100 students K-5) I figure that I will spend a better part of the next month getting all the classes in for a 30 minute media center orientation. Since this is my first year at this school, not only will I be teaching the kids the rules of the media center and how to care for library books, I will be introducing them to ME. My first year of being a media specialist I came up with the idea of using a "mascot" to help me teach the rules. At my old school I adopted a giant bear who stood guard in the office (I believe he had been donated to the school and they couldn't think of anywhere to put him so he ended up in the office). I created a PowerPoint with the bear "acting" out the rules. When I moved school, I wanted to use the same approach, but needed to find a new mascot. The school's mascot is a raptor, and as luck would have it, they didn't have a life-size raptor I could use, SO I did what any media specialist would do, I turned to the Internet. What I came up with was not quite a raptor, but was in the dinosaur family and had two of my requirements, it was large and cheap (Oriental Trading, the teachers best friend). So I've attached a few pictures of my "raptor". He doesn't have a name yet, but that is part of my presentation, a contest to name him. I will share some of the suggestions I get from my students.

My raptor returns his library books......

and Raptor never goes out of the playground with his books....

and Raptor always uses a shelf marker....

one more, Raptor in front of my office window, isn't the mural FABULOUS!


Camille said...

Oh, I LOVE your raptor!

Mariah said...

Thanks! I'm getting so many good ideas from you.

Unknown said...

I always say that being a good media specialist just takes knowing how to find someone else's ideas and tweak them for yourself! Why re-invent the wheel!