Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dear Mr. President....

As many of you know, President Obama's 2011 education budget does NOT include any additional funding for libraries or specific funding to put certified school librarians (that is what we are suppose to call ourselves these days, right?) in schools.

Buffy Hamilton of the Unquiet Librarian wrote an AWESOME letter, which I shared with all the media specialists in my county. AASL also has a sample letter that you can use to write to your local paper and your local congressional delegates. One last thing you can do, at 5:45 today, Organizing for America will be hosting a conversation with President Obama. You can submit your questions for him at their site here. If we flood the site with questions about why he has excluded libraries and school librarians in his 2011 education budget, maybe he will realize how important this issue is to schools across the country.

If any legislator has any questions about how important it is to have a certified school librarian in a school, I would like to invite them to come out and spend the day with me and see what I do for my school and I am sure that any school librarian would extend the same invitation! (just please don't come during book fair!) President Obama, I have the welcome mat out for you!

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