Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas!

My Christmas Break (or Winter Break as it is officially called) officially started today - woohoo! It has been a killer 1st semester for me, getting used to a new job, getting used to my husband not having a job, then having a new job and then also getting my son used to middle school (this has been the hardest task by FAR!).

SO I am planning on having a nice relaxing break - picked up some new books at the library today and am hoping to get to read some of them in between parties and hearing my kids complain that they are bored (and this had BETTER not happen after Tuesday, Santa, as usual, plans to be VERY good to my kids this year!)

I hope that all of you educators out there have a FABULOUS break and to everyone else, a MERRY Christmas and a VERY happy and healthy 2008.

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